Thursday, March 20, 2014


I learned a lot from Podcasting, it made be creative and actually observe all the tools that can be used in a blog posting. I think this will be good to put to use in a classroom because it makes it more interesting and will make the students more engaged in the presentations and lessons versus a plain and boring slide, post or lecture posting. I think anything that has something extra just draws my attention to it. If I saw a post that just has words and the plain Jane information versus someone who has pictures, different links to look at and be interested in that post a lot more. 

I think the use of Web 2.0 and Podcasting are the same as far as the technology goes. It just spices up the information a lot moe where it makes it more interesting to view and be more engaged into the lesson. I think students will be more enthused if their was other things to look at besides the regular information. Especially since kids now days are just use to daily technology use and more involved to make them interested.

I use the iPod and I use it for music, apps, games, texting, and emails. I can use it in the classroom by using certain apps such as; Remind101, Lumosity, Quizlet, Easy Grader, Calculator, strategy games, etc. to show whatever lesson I am doing. I think that is why I love the Promethean Boards because you can put your phone underneath the projector and show them exactly what is on your screen. I work with middle school students and it makes them more engaged and focused on the lesson because they can actually do it and use the apps when they get home and makes learning more enjoyable and fun for them, instead of doing problems out of the book. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that podcasting will revolutionize today's classrooms. I have memories of my school years of lectures and worksheets. And although technology should not replaced one on one teaching techniques it will be more relevant to the student's of today. They are used to being immersed in technology and bring that excitement into the classroom.

    Caitlin Vaughn
