Thursday, March 27, 2014

Visualizing with Technologies

I feel very strongly about using visualizing with technology. I feel like they should be used in teaching. I am a very visual person and using visual aides helps me a lot in understanding a concept or illustrate something helps me. I think visuals in Math helps me for the most part. For example; the geometric shapes, base 10 blocks, these objects actually let's you have a visual in your mind on what they actually look like versus paper or a worksheet. I think visuals help you make the lesson and helps the students understand and accomplish the goals you, the teacher, are wanting the students to have. I think this should be a top priority for teachers to have in their lessons.

The impact that visuals have on learning is that it makes students more interested and stay focus on the lesson you are teaching. The students has something to visually look at and take an interest in and have them understand more in depth. I love having visual aides because it is something you can check the students comprehension quick and see if they get the concept or is it something this student needs extra time with. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tristan. I agree with you as well on the topic of visualizing with technologies. What an amazing resource for a teacher to have in a classroom. With so many different learning styles in a classroom a teacher has to have the tools needed to reach each one. I too am a visual learner. If I can see an example or watch someone perform the task or behavior, I remember the steps and catch on more quickly then if I just had to set at my desk and listen to words and instructions. Its amazing how simply interjecting a video or a picture into a lecture can immediately create a connection to a student. Its like plugging in a cord from a lamp, viola! A teacher can stand in front of her class all day and talk and lecture, give handouts and read. However, if that teacher was able to have access to any type of visual technology, for instance, a power point slide show with pictures about the topic being taught, can you imaging the interest level in that classroom and how it would change? Who is going to benefit from this usage of technology? Well, the student of course. It is very important for teachers to have access to any tools needed to create a nourishing and knowledge rich classroom for all types of learners. Visualizing with technologies is so important to today's classrooms.

    ---Amanda J. Wright
